TronicsFix Blog
If you're in the middle of a game and see the message pop up on the screen, “Your PS5 is too hot...” this post can help you know what to do to solve your PS5's overheating issue.Read now
PS5 Liquid Metal Dry Spots and Replacement
The PlayStation 5, released in 2020, was the first game console to use liquid metal inside for cooling. Here's information on liquid metal including how to diagnose issues and fix dry spots if they occur.Read now -
PS5 Slim and Pro Disc Drive
Read nowThe PS5 Slim and Pro both allow you to swap disc drives between the digital and the disc versions. Learn how this new disc drive swapping feature works as well as how to get your disc drive working.
PS5 Optical Disc Drive Problems
Read nowThere are several problems that can occur with the disc drive on a PS5, including your disc not reading correctly or not spinning or working in general. Here we will tackle common issues and outline DIY fixes you can try at home.
PS4 & PS5 Console Roach Infested Problems
Read nowMost companies will not warranty, repair, or clean any consoles that have insects in them. So it's important to know what you can do to keep your console from getting infested and how to clean it yourself if it does get infested.
How To Fix The PS4 White Light of Death
Does your PS4 turn on and show the white light but not show anything on the TV? This is what's known as the "white light of death" or WLOD. Let's look at a couple of things that you can try first to fix it yourself.Read now -
Liquid Metal vs Thermal Paste for Game Consoles
Since the release of the PlayStation 5, there has been a lot of talk and controversy surrounding liquid metal and whether or not it should be used in gaming consoles. Both substances have their own benefits, as well as their own risks. Here's a quick overview.Read now -
PS4 CE-35888-2 Error Code Fix
Error code CE-35888-2 is a fairly common fault code that can occur on PS4 game consoles but to be able to fix this problem you must first know why it is happening.Read now -
How to Manually Eject a Disc From a PS4
Getting a disc stuck in your gaming console can be very inconvenient and stressful. Wondering what you need to do to get your disc out? Our quick guide is just what you need!Read now -
PS4 Thermal Paste Replacement Information
If your PS4 is overheating there are several things that could be causing it. Many people think it's the thermal paste. While that's usually not the case, thermal paste replacement can be important for other reasons.Read now -
Why Your PS5 Is Randomly Shutting Off
Read nowHave you ever been playing a video game and you are right in the middle of something when your PS5 just shuts off? That is so annoying, but don’t worry because we may be able to help you figure out...
PS4 Disc Drive Problems and Repair
Read nowIf your PS4 isn’t taking in a disc, isn’t able to read a disc, or you can’t take a disc out, there may be something wrong with the disc drive inside of your PS4. This will especially be the case...